March 18, 2016
Julie Yuccas


Enjoy the LA Fruit Cart Experience in Your Own Kitchen

If you are ever in Los Angeles, you have to stop at a street fruit cart. It is an inexpensive, tantalizing nutrition experience. When I went to visit my daughter in LA last fall, she introduced me to the street vendor fruit cart. For only $5, plus tip, we received a 9×9 clear carryout box full of fresh fruit. New to me, the extra surprise was the lime and fruit spice sprinkled on top.

The vendors offer many tropical fruits to choose from and expertly cut them as you view. Then comes the delight! We were offered with lime and/or spicy. I’m game, and we started with lime and mild spicy. Oh my gosh! I didn’t want to stop eating. A whole lot of yummy is stored in my memory bank.

With spring in the air, I was craving another fruit cart experience. I’m in the wrong state, so what’s a girl to do? To my pleasant surprise, I saw Tajín fruit spice at Aldi’s supermarket. I snatched a bottle up and proceeded to go to one more grocery store to get melon, papaya, and jicama.DSCN9959Starting at 12:00 and go clockwise, I cut up pineapple, papaya, mango, oranges, Honey Dew melon, strawberries, and fresh coconut. I wanted jicama, but it wasn’t available in the store. In LA, watermelon, cucumber, and cantaloupe was also offered.

DSCN9969Squeeze fresh lime juice over cut fruit.

DSCN9985Enhance your taste bud’s experience and sprinkle Tajín fruit seasoning. Once I took my serving, I added more seasoning than what is shown. Yummy!

LA Fruit Cart Fruit Salad



♥  Ingredients  ♥

– 1/3 to 1/2 fresh pineapple, chunks
– 1/2 papaya, chunks
– 1 mango, chunks
– 2 to 3 oranges, chunks
– 1/2 Honey Dew melon, chunks
– strawberries, whole
– 1 fresh coconut meat, slices
– 1 or 2 limes, to taste
– Tajín fruit seasoning, to taste
Can also use: watermelon, jicama, or cucumber.
I bet halved grapes would taste good too.

– Cut fruit, sprinkled with lime, lasts about three days.
– Any extra unseasoned fruit can be used in smoothies or juicing.

Who says eating healthy isn’t fun? Enjoy!

Blessings to your health!

4 thoughts on “Enjoy the LA Fruit Cart Experience in Your Own Kitchen

  1. thanks Julie trying for Easter

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Julie I’m making supper Sunday and I will provide this wonderful fruit dessert can hardly wait you are a master God bless you Susan

    Liked by 1 person