July 14, 2015
Julie Yuccas

1 comment

Quick & Easy Roasted Broccoli

When you work or have a full schedule, quick, easy, and tasty are factors that make a vegetable recipe more appealing to use. The beauty of this recipe is it is palatable to many ages. Plus, broccoli is a fighter you want on your team, with all its cancer-fighting phytochemicals, immune boosting vitamins and minerals, and the carotenoids beta carotene and lutein.

Remember from my smoothie post, the American Optometric Association website states that lutein helps prevent and can reverse cataracts and possibly macular degeneration. As I routinely ate or drank foods such as kale and broccoli, unbeknownst to me my cataract formation reversed. Who knows how many healing measures are being performed in our bodies when we routinely eat these powerhouse foods? Enjoy this quick and easy way to eat broccoli.

DSCN0918Divide broccoli into long stem pieces. After positioning broccoli on baking pan, sprinkle with olive oil.

Quick & Easy Roasted Broccoli

  • Difficulty: easy
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DSCN0939♥  Ingredients  ♥

1 head of broccoli
olive oil
Parmesan cheese or Nutritional Yeast Seasoning

– Preheat oven to 425°.

– Cut 1/2″ to 1″ off broccoli stem. Divide broccoli into long stem pieces.

– Lay stems on baking sheet. Lightly sprinkle olive oil on broccoli.

– Bake for 20 minutes for al dente broccoli. Bake for 25 minutes for a softer broccoli.

– After 20 or 25 minutes sprinkle Parmesan cheese or Nutritional Yeast Seasoning on broccoli. Bake for 3 more minutes. Enjoy!

DSCN0943Blessings to your health!

One thought on “Quick & Easy Roasted Broccoli

  1. thanks Julie I amalways encouraged and motivated by you sharing great recipes that are nutritious you rock girl!
